NAPWU Membership

Members Benefit Fund offers death benefit of N$7 500.00 per member.

Our Aims & Objectives?

  • To organize workers and to improve their economic and social welfare and to fight for economic justice for all Namibian workers.
  • To group them together according to the nature of work they are engaged in, assist them in forming work committees of their own under the auspices of NAPWU.
  • To strive for the betterment of economic and social welfare of all Namibia workers, as well as for social and economic justice in general.
  • To regulate relations and settle disputes between NAPWU members and their employers.
  • To promote education, health and safety, sport and recreation of NAPWU members.
  • To co-operate with other trade union to bring about socio-economic change in Namibia.
  • To provide and promote projects, training courses and seminars for NAPWU members.
  • To provide advice and legal assistance to NAPWU members.
  • To encourage and promote a spirit of solidarity and unity among all workers.
  • To oppose any discrimination in employment and to fight for the right of all workers to work at fair wages
  • To advance the democratic rights of all workers.
  • To make representation to government on labour and trade union legislation and other matters affecting workers.
  • To promote international friendship, co-operation and solidarity with all workers of the world.

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